The 10-Minute Entrepreneur

Subscribe to Sean’s top-rated podcast The 10 Minute Entrepreneur

Bonus EP 55: Methods of Operating

In this relaunched bonus episode Sean shares how to develop a method for operating your business. As an entrepreneur have you established guiding principles for your business that will inform making decisions without delay. Develop your own methods of operation.

EP 172: Being a Disrupter

EP 172: Being a Disrupter

Sean discusses examples of businesses that have disrupted the marketplace and culture. The people that come up with big ideas deserve to be billionaires. Encouragement for entrepreneurs to go for it when it comes to disruptive ideas.

EP 169: When to Pay the Big Money

If you pay peanuts you get monkeys. When there is an expertise or experience that you lack, consider laying out the big money for the right person. When someone can take your idea or your business further and/or faster, bring that person on!

EP 167: Staff Meeting

Here are some tips for an effective staff meeting. Who is leading it? What was the purpose? Cover time-sensitive material, follow ups, assignments, long-term goals. No meetings just to have a meeting.

EP 166: Motivators

Money is not always the motivator. It could be faith, family, or flexibility. From the very beginning try to understand what motivates people. In order to help people grow and expand their capacity, you have to know what motivates them.

EP 161: The Perfect Job Interview

Whether you are interviewing people to work for you or may be interviewing for a job yourself, here are the top qualities to focus on. Based on hundreds of interviews over 20 years as well as conventional wisdom in the job market, Sean shares his tips for “the perfect interview.”

EP 159: Customer Complaints

Sean shares how customer complaints can be your best friend if you use them correctly. Emails and texts should be avoided if possible. Acknowledging the issue within 24 hours, schedule a meeting within 2 days, let them talk, suggest a solution and then follow through within a week. You can make a fortune by making customers happy.

EP 156: Why Companies Don’t Set Goals

Too many small businesses just seem to run to survive. In this podcast, Sean teaches some of the reasons why companies don’t set goals. They may lack vision or leadership. Sometimes they don’t want to invest in the critical thinking required to measure and carry the goals out.

Bonus EP 47: Execution (relaunch)

Ideas are great but if you can’t execute on them they are worthless. In this podcast Sean shares how execution works from the startup phase of a business and then through the evolution and moving forward. Sometimes you just have to get started. Here are the tips for how to improve on execution.

EP 153: The 30 Day CEO, Part 2

Sean continues to share the top useful tips to develop as the CEO for your small business in the first 30 days of your startup. Start with developing your leadership skills. Next, look at how to best knock over the big dominoes by building your team and effectively growing your company.

EP 152: The 30 Day CEO, Part 1

Sean gives a sneak peak into a future webinar on the 30 Day CEO. The business will only be as good as the person that leads it.  If you are going to lead a company, you must invest in developing your leadership skills.

EP 151: Advertising Made Simple

Layered advertising goes so much deeper than a one-dimensional, single-channel ad. Ads go beyond just getting the phone to ring. They also make the sale itself easier. Having a variety of vehicles to serve customized messages will help you accomplish your advertising goals.

Bonus EP 44: Self Confidence (Relaunch)

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EP 149: The Bullet Proof Startup

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Bonus EP 43: Business Axioms

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