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9 Traits Your Most Successful Entrepreneurs Share

What are the key points that make a successful entrepreneur? 9 Traits Your Most Successful Entrepreneurs Share Take initiative without delay Relentless pursuit of a goal Take calculated risks Opportunistic Leaders Problem Solves Confident Good Communication Skills...

3 Quick Tips to Grow Any Business

How can I grow my sign business? 3 QUICK TIPS TO GROW ANY BUSINESS Add more buying customers Do more and better-targeted marketing so increase your budget and get help if needed. Review your USP (Unique Selling Position) and is it appealing to your target...

What to Do with Half-baked Ideas

f we have some half-backed business ideas, how can we find some early-stage startups to join, so we can pursue our ideas in collaboration with them? Get them past half-baked and then get someone smart to polish and or critique them. Remember, ideas are a dime a dozen,...

Microtest Your Business FIRST

How did you set up your own small business with minimal seed money? MIcrotest your business FIRST and you will not need as much startup money and very well may be able to bootstrap it. Test your idea before you put a great deal of money into it. Can you create a...

7 Steps to Making the Perfect Hire

What is the best way to recruit employees? 7 STEPS TO MAKING THE PERFECT HIRE Determine who you need to hire (critical positions that need to be filled) Create job descriptions for each job as well as salary packages Post these positions on job boards/online Review...

How Big Businesses Eliminate Competition

What strategies enabled big businesses to eliminate competition? The “Pac Man” Strategy is commonly used by large companies where they buy small companies that they believe at a later date with their current growth trajectory could be a formidable player in their...

5 Death Moves Startup Founders Make

What are some common mistakes first time founders make? 5 DEATH MOVES STARTUP FOUNDER MAKE They fall in love with their idea and don’t test it or open it up to criticism from people who can help improve the idea or poke holes in it. They don’t have a marketing plan...

Forecasting User Growth Before Having Users

Business Plans: What is the best way to forecast user growth for a company that doesn't have users yet? Sadly it is completely speculative that is why you want to beta test your marketing and sales to get an idea of how it will do when you go full...

Short Business Plan vs. Comprehensive Business Plan

How do you define, compare, and contrast a short business plan vs. a comprehensive plan? A comprehensive business plan may be needed if you are pitching to investors or applying for a loan. A business plan that is not requiring investment/ loan needs to accomplish a...

7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Business

What should all first time founders know before starting a business? 7 THINGS I WISH I KNEW BEFORE I STARTED MY FIRST BUSINESS My original idea will change more than I imagined. Get started and make changes as you do. (Don’t wait for perfect) Start at a very small...

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