The Blog
The One Strategy That Always Fails a Startup
Which strategy or philosophy most often leads to a startup failure? The founder believing if they build it customers will follow. It is the idea that if you build something great because you will think it's great and customers will buy it. This is a bad strategy. The...
100 New Customers vs 50 Long-term Customers
Would you rather have 100 new customers or 50 long-term customers? 50 LONG TERM because they will have a great LIFETIME VALUE in that they will spend more over time because they like your business already. But 100 new customers are not bad either if you know you have...
Taking Money from a Savings Account to Finance a New Business
When does an entrepreneur take money from a savings account to finance a new business? When that person is extremely confident based on data that they have a product/ service others want and will pay for where the profit margin is worth the risk.
Develop Success Qualities
How can I fulfill my entrepreneurship dreams on only the salary income I am earning now? Money is not the most important part it is finding a great idea and having the qualities of a successful entrepreneur. You can always partner with someone who has money and I...
Starting a Business with Credit Card Debt
Starting a new business with credit card debt and under a (mild) depression. What your opinion? If you weren’t depressed now you would have mild depression after starting a business because it can be very stressful but the payoff is so worth it. If you have a good...
Start Developing Entrepreneurial Qualities Today
I’m 22 and I want to start a company in 5 years. What are the basic things I need to start today? Why 5 years from now? Start today developing the qualities of a great entrepreneur as well take a job where you can learn how a company operates. I would try to get...
How Do You Raise Prices Over Time?
How do businesses overcome the fact that they haven't raised their price for services rendered for years and years and years and now, It needed to do so to survive? And then how-do-you-do that? You need to slowly and consistently raise them starting now and explain to...
Running a Business Without a College Degree
How tough is it to run a business with any college degree? It is not the degree that matters its YOU that matters. You need to develop into a person with the qualities/habits that successful people share. Take Initiative Driven Focused Hard Workers Relentless...
7 Step Recruiting Process
What should our recruiting process look like? 7 STEP RECRUITING PROCESS identify your staffing/ team needs Create Job Descriptions Create Expectations Where can you find this talent? Run ads or hire a recruiter Interview HIre
4 Things to Know Before Starting a Business
What should I consider before starting my business venture? 4 THINGS TO ASK AND KNOW BEFORE STARTING A BUSINESS Do you want to be a business owner or employee? One has significantly more responsibility. Do you have a profitable idea? What is your plan to get it off...
Dealing with Headstrong Managers
What is your suggestion to deal with a headstrong manager at the workplace? Do your job so well they can’t live without you and it is at that moment you have earned the right to be heard. Before that, they may not listen to you.
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