The Blog


As a CEO, what's the most important thing you do for your team? 3 CEO MUSTS You set and or confirm the targets (objectives) with a strategy. You provide the resources, training, and budget needed to achieve the set objectives. You encourage, motivate, and hold...

Can a Company Have Too Much Extra Cash?

Is it bad for a company to have too much extra cash? Cash is never a bad thing. At some point, you should take a percentage of it and use it to grow your company and or consider some acquisitions so you can have even more cash. This is what Apple, Microsoft and Amazon...

The Benefits of Making a Company Public

Why will changing from a private company to a public company be beneficial? A public company, because you can sell the stock, will allow you to raise capital which can be very beneficial to a company seeking to grow.

Customer Expectation Needs to Meet 3 Standards

What are three customer expectations for quality service? CUSTOMERS EXPECTATION NEEDS TO MEET 3 STANDARDS Did you provide what the customer paid for? Does what they paid for meet their expectations? You need to set a reasonable expectation you can systematically...

Customer Satisfaction Rates

Should a company be happy or concerned if most customers are satisfied? Your goal is to have 100% of your customers happy and or satisfied at the very least but I have learned if you service a large percentage of people and you hit 99% you still have many just are not...

Reducing Salaries of Staff

Is it fair for a company to reduce the salaries by half? During a global pandemic, it would be a possibility that costs this deep might need to be made for survival. I would think asking an employee to do the same amount of work/hours for half the pay would be hard to...

Estimating Company Worth

How much would a company be worth if it made 15 million a year in profit with no debt? There are too many factors to be considered to just rely on this one data point. Clearly 15 million profit would lend one to believe this is a 100 million-plus business evaluation...

How Much to Spend on Payroll

How much should a company spend on payroll? Payroll is a companies largest expense in most cases and can vary greatly. The amount you spend on the payroll is not the important number. The important number is how much profit you make after your expenses including your...

5 Questions to Ask Before Investing In a Company

What are five questions you would ask a company's management if you were deciding to invest or not? 5 QUESTIONS TO ASK BEFORE INVESTING IN A COMPANY What are your sales over the last 5 years? (year by year trend I am looking for) What is your yearly profit over the...

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