The Blog

Finding Someone to Buy Your Company

I want to give my startup to a company and keep 10%. Where do I find that company? Find a company that benefits from owning your company. Start with your competitors then move to who may have synergy with your company.

MINDSET is Overrated Right Now

What are the top 3 main challenges when it comes to running a mindset coaching business? First, let's be clear MINDSET is so overrated right now. Every millennial is drinking this mindset coolaid. MIndset is one ingredient of what successful people do. Mindset without...

Learning Effective Management and Leadership

What classes do you take for management? Your local community college probably has management classes but you can also read books from Peter Drucker and John Maxwell and others on management and leadership. Read a book a month and implement ONE thing you learn from...

Firing Problem Customers

How do you fire problem customers without having them making fuss or badmouthing your business online? You do it with a touch of class sharing that you no longer believe you can meet their needs or demands and it just no longer is a good fit. Make some recommendations...

Cash Flow 101

How do I prepare a cash flows statement? CASH FLOW 101 List all money that came in during a given period and where it came from. List all expenses during this same period (categorize them) What were the profit and losses during this given period? YOU JUST GOT A SIMPLE...

When to Divest Your Stake

When do, or should investors, ever divest their stake in a company? At its peak when you shares are worth most or before the company is getting ready to tank or go in a direction you are not supportive of.

7 Ways to Reward Employees

Why is the reward system important for employees? People tend to be more motivated when they are rewarded for their efforts. 7 WAYS TO REWARD EMPLOYEES Big a financial bonus Increase their salary or pay Give them a day or days off Allow them to be more involved in...

Bad Leadership Affects Everything

How can bad leadership affect a business environment? BAD leadership affects everything. It is like cancer that metastasizes. It destroys the company culture and then great talent begins to leave.

People Need a Reason to WANT to Change

Why is it difficult for managers to implement change? People, in general, don’t like to change so you need to give them a reason to WANT to change. You need to offer change not as change but as something they want to do because they will benefit from it. REFRAME...

You Never Persuade in a Good Business Pitch

How do you get people to invest in you? YOU NEVER PERSUADE IN A GOOD BUSINESS PITCH You need to think of it as sharing an investment that is good for them and NOT PERSUADING THEM. First never pitch a startup investment to someone who cannot afford to lose it. Second,...

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