The Blog

Elon Musk is Living the Dream

Is Elon Musk living his dream? Elon Musk is Living the Dream He has founded Paypal which made him rich. Then he founded Tesla arguably the most valuable automobile manufacturer in the world and his pet project SpaceX is close to putting people on the moon so I am...

5 Ways to Start And/Or Own a Business with No Money

I want to start a business but I don't have money. What do I do? 5 WAYS TO START AND OR OWN A BUSINESS WITH NO MONEY You can sell a product (manufacturers rep) that you develop into a business. You can become an invaluable employee to an existing small business and...

The Benefits of a Marketing Plan

What are the benefits of a marketing plan? Why a Marketing Plan is a must for any business wanting to survive and grow. AN EFFECTIVE MARKETING PLAN WILL Build and promote your brand. Differentiate you from the competition Tell customers why they love your company....

A Wealth Tax Will Build Your Savings

How can one save when his/her salary isn't enough to save? A Wealth Tax Will Build Your Savings Pay yourself a “wealth tax’ which is forcing yourself to put a percentage of your income away before you touch it as if it was a tax. Try getting a few hours of overtime...

Current vs. Fixed Assets

How do current and fixed assets differ? Fixed assets are purchased for long-term use and are not likely to be converted quickly into cash, such as land, office buildings, and equipment. A current asset can be a fixed asset as well as it would be assets you currently...

Starting vs. Buying a Business

Do you like to start your own business or buy an existing business? Both are great ways to own a business but buying an existing business in most cases will be much more expensive assuming it is profitable. You tend to start a business because you have an idea you...

Paying Back Business Loans

What is your preferred method to pay back a business loan? If you are a startup try to get 12 months no payments other then interest with a balloon payment on principal a year in. This keeps the payment low and gives you a year to come up with a principal payment....

Managing 401ks in a Recession

How do I protect my 401k in a recession? DON’T TOUCH IT (never sell during a downturn)! And most importantly keep buying during the downturn so your cost-share average works to your advantage.

A Sustainable Business Strategy

How do I build a sustainable business? A sustainable business strategy is one that you can continue doing day in and day out for a lengthy period of time. Does it produce the results you want? Is it affordable? Do you have the staff and or talent to keep it going? It...

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