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Writing a Business Plan for a Product Vs. a Service

What are the major differences between writing a business plan for a product idea vs. a service idea? Very little. With a product, you will need a proof of concept and cost to produce as well as some intellectual property protection (trademarks, patents). A template...

Personal Brand vs. Business Brand

Isn’t it suitable to build up my new business as a personal brand? A company band and a personal brand can get tricky unless your personal brand is the business and or so closely tied to it that they are interchangeable like Trump and his properties. His personal...

The Best Time to Start a Venture Capital Firm

When is the best time to start a venture capital firm? The best time to do anything is when you have the desire and what is needed and in this case capital as well as a robust understanding of what it takes for a company to succeed. A VC is like betting on a roulette...

Lifespan of a Corporation

Does a corporation have unlimited life? No as just like people die businesses die. Once a company either closes its doors and or discontinues doing business for whatever reason the corporation will typically close down within 3 years from this point. But without a...

What is the first step to take for a STARTUP?

What is the first step before starting a business? What is the first step to take for a STARTUP? Great businesses start first with an idea that you believe will be profitable because there will be a demand for what you are selling. So what great ideas do you have?...

Building a Customer Retention Machine

What’s the best business strategy for small business customer retention? Building a Customer Retention Machine Be a company your customers want to succeed (develop a great startup story) Provide a buying experience that is second to none. Thank your customers...

How To Be a Great Manager

How do I become a good small company manager? How To Be a Great Manager Understand the industry you are in from top to bottom Understand the roles and responsibilities of the people that work with you and under you. MOST IMPORTANTLY THE 3 SKILLS YOU NEED TO ACCEL AT...

Why Price Matching Can Be Effective

Why is price matching an effective business strategy? It gives customers peace of mind that the price they are paying is as low as it gets. This strategy works for certain stores that can afford to do this but be careful using this strategy as a startup as being the...

Quitting Your Job to Start a Business

When should I quit my job and start a business? You shouldn’t if at all possible. You have 168 hours in a week. Build the company from day one without you working in it full time. This will allow you to have an incentive to grow...

3 Advantages To Forming a Partnership

What are three advantages of forming a partnership? 3 Advantages To Forming a Partnership Twice as much gets done in the same period Two or more create more momentum The right partner ads something to the equation you lack (time, expertise, experience, capital, or...

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