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6 Major Steps to Follow Before Starting a Business

What are the major steps I should follow to start a business? 6 MAJOR STEPS TO FOLLOW BEFORE STARTING A BUSINESS Find an idea that is profitable and doable (launch within a year and make money) Beta test your offering- confirm the market wants what you are selling...

Paying a CEO Before Profitability

Can a CEO make money even if their company hasn't been profitable yet? They could be paying themselves a salary that is preventing the company from being profitable. Sadly this happens but a CEO should have their pay based on performance in my opinion. Regardless, a...

Starting a Small Business with Low Manpower

Which small business can I start with low manpower? Online business and or solopreneur business would be the most obvious start to low manpower business. But with virtual assistance and freelancers, you can streamline labor costs much easier today than ever...

The Best Business Books

What is the best business book? The Jim Collins series of Good to Great How The Mighty Have Fallen Great by Choice and for a startup founder “The 8 Unbreakable Rules for Business Startup Success."

How to Discover Your Career Path

What is the first step in the career planning process? HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR CAREER PATH First, what are passionate about doing? What would you do for free if you could afford to? What are you talented at naturally? What can you make a living doing considering the...

Valuing Customers vs. Employees

Is it more important to value customers or employees? If you do not value both and I would argue equally you will have a hard time creating a truly great company. You will either have customers who don’t like your service and or a culture that is toxic which in turn...

Alternate Spellings Can Create Compelling Brand Names

Why is the brand name “Krispy Kreme” spelled using ‘k’s if it’s already alliterative when spelled correctly? When creating a brand it is common to use alternate spelling and using different letters in the place of what would be common. The goal is to catch your...

Entrepreneur vs. Business Owner

Is Entrepreneur same as Business Owner? An entrepreneur is the one who starts the company so they typically take the risk and have the initial idea whereas a business owner can be someone who just buys a business because it is a good investment. Two different paths to...

The Greatest Creator of Wealth in History

Who are the people who don't lose money in the stock market? People that never invest in the stock market. However the stock market over time is the greatest creator of wealth in the history of mankind with an annual return of nearly 10% in the S&P 500. The secret...

Jobs With Unlimited Earning Potential

What jobs have unlimited earning potential? Owning and founding your own business may be the only one that you truly may be able to make the most and the Forbes list of Wealthies People seems to confirm this. Let us look at the top 5 and they all founded a company....

The Customer is Not Always Right

Hot Take: The customer, in many cases, is not “always right”. What are your thoughts? This is a definitive fact that the customer is not always right as often times they forget what is in their agreement or sadly are people that are never happy with anything. I would...

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