The Blog

4 Steps To Every Business

What are the step by step parts of a business? Like first developing the product, then marketing, then etc. What are those steps in order? 4 Steps To Every Business Attract customers Sell to the customer (at a price that allows you to be profitable) Fulfill what you...

3 Promotional Mistakes

How can retailers improve promotion effectiveness? 3 PROMOTIONAL MISTAKES Is it targeting your Ideal customer? Does it give a reason to respond/ buy today? (urgency or scarcity) Does it have a compelling offer?

My Business Success Secret in ONE Paragraph

What is the secret behind a successful business? My Business Success Secret in ONE Paragraph Having a value proposition (why customers should buy from you over your competition) that you can deliver on that is so strong that customers chase you down for your business....

The Importance of Providing Good Customer Care

What is the importance of providing good customer care? It could be argued that NOTHING is more important than great customer service because without it you lose out on what I have determined over 25 years in business would 2/3 of all future business. What do I mean?...

Financial Managers for Small Businesses

How does the activities of a financial manager help the present day modern business organizations? I would hope this person would manage all financial matters within a company which could be very valuable. This would be a very part-time position within a small...

Where to Put Your Startup Money

What is the best way to spend money on bringing a new startup to market? WHERE TO PUT YOUR STARTUP MONEY- THE 2 MUSTS Startup founders don’t waste your money on anything other than getting proof of concept and proof of a receptive marketplace (beta testing your...

A Job That Suits Your Skills

How do I decide a job that suits my skills? It takes time because you need to work with people who excel and different roles and make a note of what skills they had that made them great at the job. 2. It has taken me 25 years to know I like a very detailed accountant,...

Tracking Basic Metrics

What would you recommend as good tools for tracking basic startup metrics such as revenue, repeat customers, and traffic? Quickbooks and Excel are the 2 basic Softwares we use and we have over 10,000 customers and do millions in revenue. Whatever you use it needs to...

5 Tips to Overcoming a Business Partnership Dispute

How would you handle business disputes with your business partners? The same way you do in any healthy relationship: you need to sit down and talk and listen to each other and have the goal of overcoming the problem because you value the longterm positives of the...

The First Thing to Do Before Starting a Business

What are some things to prioritize before starting up an apparel business? First and foremost validate your idea is profitable and has a wanting audience ready to buy. Beta test this to confirm you have a winner. Next step a business plan followed by your...

Evaluating Your Share of the Business

How do I evaluate my shares in a coffee shop? I own 25% of a coffee shop that has been running for a year and a half now, and the other partner offered to buy my share, but I’m not sure how to price it. I would try to get a return on investment for starters. You...

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