The Blog

Branding With More than One Founder

How do I brand a business with 2 founders vs. personal branding? Focus on branding the company and or the lead product or service and not the founders at all. Unless you two are like Batman and Robin or The Lone Ranger and Tonto focus on the business side of...

3 Steps to Getting That Business Up and Running

Which ones are the best ways to start your own business, and why? 3 STEPS TO GETTING THAT BUSINESS UP AND RUNNING You start with an idea then you need to validate the idea and make sure it is durable, profitable, and feasible. Then a business plan. TAKE...

How to Establish Pricing

How do you charge for services? HOW TO ESTABLISH PRICING What are your costs to provide your service/product? Labor or manufacturing, etc. What is your competition charging? Is there a tremendous demand with little supply for what you are offering? These 3 questions...

Money to Operate is Critical

Is money needed to open, operate and expand a business? YES, and money is a critical resource in business and those who think they may not need it are living in a fantasy world. Rent costs money Marketing costs money Labor costs money Research and development costs...

The Startup Bermuda Triangle

Why do so many startups fail? THE STARTUP BERMUDA TRIANGLE 3 coordinates making up a triangle in the North Atlantic sea where ships and planes enter and never return and I would argue there are 3 equally big mistakes startup founders make that create a Death Spiral...

7 Skills Every Entrepreneurship Should Develop

Which ones are the most valued skills among entrepreneurs, and why is that? 7 SKILLS EVERY ENTREPRENEUR SHOULD DEVELOP Driven to succeed in what they have set out to achieve. Relentless Determination Competetive Energy Focus Team Builders Good...

How Few Customers Do You Need?

What is the least number of customers a successful business has? If you are selling islands, jets and trips to Mars all you need is a handful a year. The only number that matters is income after expenses and if you have very high ticket items and your costs to offer...

5 Reasons Why Your Products are Not Selling

Why is my product not selling? 5 REASONS Why YOUR products are not selling Nobody wants it because you did not test it before launching. Always try and sell your product prior to any major investment or launch. Pricing does not work The target market is too small,...

How to Find a Business Idea that Works

How can I start a business worldwide? It all start with an idea for a business that can have a global appeal. The basics are still the same for every great business idea with the only difference in you want an idea that has a global reach or appeal. HOW TO FIND A...

Are Entrepreneurs Made or Born?

What is the true answer that entrepreneurs made it born? Are Entrepreneurs made or born? I do believe they are born with a few qualities others are not given such as touch more outgoing, self-confident, competitive but it could be argued these were developed over...

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