The Blog

5 Reasons to Partner in Business

What different kinds of business partners are there? You partner for 5 reasons: Friendship Time (someone has time to invest that you don’t have) Capital Expertise Fill a critical role in a company

How to Hire Remotely in 2020

How do I hire good workers remotely in 2020? Do everything you would normally do but interview via zoom and make sure you do your normal due diligence. Are they qualified? Did you vet them? Finally, the working condition are remote which calls for trust so pay as they...

Why People Believe They Will Fail

Why do many people think they are not able to start up a profitable business? Most people doubt themselves in general no matter what they are trying to do. It is a pure lack of self-confidence.

6 Steps to Learning and Moving on from Mistakes

Is it possible to learn from mistakes? MY 6 STEPS TO LEARNING AND MOVING ON FROM MISTAKES FROM A SOMEONE WHO HAS MADE PLENTY I would hope so as mistakes are the speed bumps in the course of life. You make a mistake, Acknowledge it was a mistake, Apologize to others...

Create a Company With Cash Flow in 30 Days

What are some simple businesses you can do in three years and get good returns? My rule with any startup I have done is to make money and I mean positive cash flow (income from sales above expenses) within the first 30 days. I have found beta testing to make sure you...

Beta Test Your Market

How do you determine customer inclination towards a specific product? You beta test like crazy so you can determine you have a wanting audience and who that is and what they are willing to pay for your product. Beta testing is what smart entrepreneurs put their money...

The Definition of a Success Coach

What is Success coaching? Success coaching is being coached/mentored/training by someone who has succeeded in the area you wish to improve on. In some cases like Tony Robbins, they become an expert by immersing themselves in a certain area which establishes them as an...

Business that Operated as Partnerships

What businesses are operating as a partnership? Every business that is not a soloprenour can be a partnership and the list of great partnerships span many industries. Examples: Disney, McDonald's, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Southwest Airlines, Uber, and on and on....

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