The Blog

Get a Fast Start with This Marketing Strategy

What are some of the best marketing practices for startups? HOW I HAVE HAD MULTIPLE STARTUP WITH FAST STARTS WITH THIS MARKETING STRATEGY Introduce your company to the marketplace What is your brand going to be? Promote your brand from day one. What one unique selling...

The Importance of Place Branding

Why is place branding so important? It creates a desirable destination such as Virginia is for Lovers and I Love New York, etc. “What happens in Vegas Stays In Vegas”. It creates an image or feeling in the mind of someone that is intended to influence their perception...

3 Musts for a Personal Brand to Be Successful

Why is personal branding important in today's economy? Your personal brand is your resume in today’s economy. It has been said your brand is what others say about you when you are not in the room. 3 MUST FOR A PERSONAL BRAND TO BE SUCCESSFUL Authentic Promotes your...

The Greatest Secret that All Entrepreneurs Know

What is the greatest business secret in the world? THE GREATEST SECRET THAT ALL SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURS KNOW First, find out what the market wants BEFORE you start a business. Too many startup founders create a product or offer a service assuming people want it and...

3 Reasons Why Customers Buy

What is the first step of the buyer decision process? Customer buy for one of 3 reasons: They need something- groceries, a car, etc They have a problem you solve. (Seeping better, lose weight, etc.) You fulfill a want/ desire (prestige, status,...

How Long a Business Plan Should Be

Is 50 pages too long for a marketing plan? See my free book on my website Worlds Greatest Business Plan at Sean Castrina | Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur It will help you out but in short, a business plan only needs to answer between 7 and 25 key questions so the...

How Advertising Impacts Your Business

Can advertising make a business be successful? Nearly every great business advertises and the very few who say they don’t actually do but use PR to tell the marketplace they exist. In 25 years of business and tracking every customer who has sought out our companies, I...

Don’t Forget About Your Core Business

What is your one single advice for technology entrepreneurs offering services who want to add products to their offering? Don’t forget your core business? What does your customer want and expect from you? Stay in this lane only offering complementary products and...

The One Thing to Know Before You Leave Your 9 to 5

What is one thing you wished you knew before you left your 9-5 to enter the world of full-time entrepreneurship? That you don’t need to quit your day job to start a business as there are 168 hours in a week and I have started countless successful companies and have...

7 Musts to a Business Pitch

What should I bring to a business pitch? 7 MUSTS TO A BUSINESS PITCH Come prepared to provide the following: BE BRIEF BE CONFIDENT Why DO YOU THINK this business with some supporting evidence is a winner? What makes your product or service stand out and be wanted next...

Why You Don’t Quit Your Day Job to Start a Business

If I have a good idea of a product and enough skills to develop it and lead a team towards it, what are my options to quit my job and get investment to my idea, keeping a similar salary I need to survive? WHY YOU DON’T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB TO START A BUSINESS We all want...

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