The Blog

Are Innovators Born that Way?

Are Innovators Born that Way? They may be born with a curious nature to them but innovation tends to grow from being curious and competitive in that you want to offer the next best thing possible to the world. How to be more like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and other...

3 Ways to Have a Greater Chance for Startup Success

How do you find a startup to work for that has a good chance of success? 3 Ways to Have a Greater Chance for Startup Success First, start with a profitable idea. Does it solve a problem, fill a need, or meet a want? Second is there a large enough target audience who...


Can I get full guidance about how to select a brandable brand name for a startup? How to pick a WINNING BRAND NAME. Do you want your brand name to be centered around a product, company name or quality your target customer values? All 3 work. Examples: Nike builds the...

The Importance of a Product Name

Why is the product name important? Your product name should be catchy, easily remembered, or associated effortlessly with your product category. Example: Dustbuster was a great name for a portable vacuum. What is more important is your commitment to marketing your...

Branding Made Simple

Is “Alright” a brandable brand name for a start-up? Any name can be a great name for a brand if you BUILD THE BRAND. Was Kleenex a great name for a pocket-size disposable tissue? Only after years of advertising the name and brand position (you don’t need a...

Know the How to Run the Business Before Starting

What is/are the most basic fundamentals that one needs to know when entering a new line of business before starting? How to run the actual business they are starting. From top to bottom how will this business operate successfully? You must be able to answer and make...

Create Your Dream Job

Should a dream job be created or found? You can find your dream job either way. You can just get a job you love or train/get formal education that allows you to do something you have always wanted to do. You may also be someone who wants to run the operation, control...

The Pros and Cons of Working for a Small Business

What are the cons of working for a small business today? Small businesses can be fragile in that they can go out of business normally much faster than a large company. In most cases, you would make more money and have better benefits working in a larger...

Do You Need an In-house Legal Department?

Does a new business/startup really need an in-house legal department, or should the business be at a certain size to have one? Until you get over 1000 employees or revenue well exceeding $100,000,000 a year I cannot imagine a company needing an in house legal...

Starting With the Intention to Franchise

Do most franchise companies start out with the intention of franchising or do they usually start as a single successful business that then evolves? Normally they start as a  typical startup trying to survive and then become successful. Somewhere along the journey,...

Mentality vs. Business Model

What is more important to a VC investor investing in a round, the founder's mentality or the business model? Not even close - the business model. The mentality of the founder BETTER be an added bonus. They expect the founder to have the right...

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