The Blog

Microtest Your Business FIRST

How did you set up your own small business with minimal seed money? MIcrotest your business FIRST and you will not need as much startup money and very well may be able to bootstrap it. Test your idea before you put a great deal of money into it. Can you create a...

Create the Brand Name You Want

What brand says I'm independent and successful? Why don’t you create that brand? What name would make someone immediately think of independence and success? What products/ services or companies would love to attract that target customer? Get started!

Short Brand Names Are Better

What is the purpose of making a brand name short? Your goal is to have a name that is memorable and normally shorter is easier to remember. Most business names are one word that leaves an impression in your mind the instant you hear it (preferably). You have Amazon,...

A Brand Name With Perfect Meaning

Where can I get a unique brand name with a perfect meaning? CREATE ONE! Find a name that customers will effortlessly identify with a quality they want in your product or service. What one promise, if you could deliver on, would make customers chase you down for your...

A Memorable Brand Name

What is the important of having a memorable brand name? If your brand name is easy to remember and you market it well, people identify it effortlessly with a certain product/service. This is a huge advantage. A big mistake new entrepreneurs make is having a name that...

Creating an Effective Brand

What is good, purchasing a brand name or creating one on our own? You create an effective brand when you identify what your target customers want from what you sell. If they want quality then your brand name, tagline, and image needs to reflect quality. If you are...

Evaluate Your Branding

Why should I evaluate my brand name idea? Branding needs to have synergy between your company name, tagline, and image/reputation you are trying to build and convey to your target audience. If you are trying to portray quality and appealing to high-end customers a...

How to Reduce Small Business Risk

What are some tips to reduce risk for small businesses? HOW TO REDUCE SMALL BUSINESS RISK I make the assumption we are talking about the risk of going out of business normally with a startup and losing our investment capital. So with that said how do we reduce the...

Positioning Your Brand

What are the advantages of brand positioning? First let’s define Brand Positioning; You are trying to create an impression in the mind of your customer. Your goal is to create a strategy through your marketing that accomplishes this. When they think of safety in cars...

How to Know You have a Great Brand

I want to know how good my brand name is. How do I evaluate it? If I ask you what car company is most known for Safety what would your answer be? Probably Volvo If I asked you what company is known for the slogan Just Do It? Nike would come to mind. Do you get the...

7 Advantages of Being Self-Employed (Entrepreneur)

What is your review of Self-employment? 7 Advantages of Being Self-Employed (Entrepreneur) You can dictate your income You can create a flexible schedule You can work in your strengths and pay others to do what you are not good at. Build a Team Set the Direction of...

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