The Blog


How can I improve customer service in my business? … 5 WAYS TO DRAMATICALLY IMPROVE CUSTOMER SERVICE Define what the perfect customer experience would look like. Get customer feedback to determine what they want and what is lacking. Have a friend or family member...

4 Secrets to How to Manage Multiple Businesses

As a serial entrepreneur, how do you manage multiple businesses, considering the amount of time available to you? 4 SECRETS TO HOW TO MANAGE MULTIPLE BUSINESSES I limit my responsibilities in each business to what only I can do and no one else. I manage my time well...

7 Skills Great Entrepreneurs Have

What are the skills of an entrepreneur? 7 SKILLS GREAT ENTREPRENEURS HAVE And they all can be learned and improved on. Thinking - which produces ideas Problem Solvers Team Builders Excellent Communicators (share their vision, present to investors, recruit talent)...

How to Structure Your Day for Success

Where can I find mentors that can help me structure my daily life and give me advice on my business ventures? Let me be your first mentor and books can be your mentor on growing and improving on any area of your life. Successful people and that includes people in...

How to Be an Idea Machine

What are the ideas for business ideas? HOW TO BE AN IDEA MACHINE DAILY have set aside a few minutes to think Have a QUIET place to think. BE READY with something to write down your ideas. Reading daily can prime the pump for great ideas so read daily on the subject...

Promoting Your Brand’s Visual Identity

How do you promote a company's brand with visual marketing? Your BRANDS VISUAL IDENTITY is promoted by your logo design fonts photos colors, shapes, and forms and any other visuals helping to convey your brand’s message

Questions to Ask Your Investors Before Signing

What are the right questions a business founder should ask a venture capitalist or angel investor? Have they invested in a startup before if so how many and how have they done? This shows that if they have a 75% success rate in their investments and they like your...

How to Manage Cash Flow and Reserves

How much cash should you leave in a business? How to manage cash flow and reserves in your business. Very similar to a properly managed personal account there a few musts to have when you have extra money and you need to always have enough extra to put money aside for...

The Benefits of an SBA Loan

Does a small business administration loan help small businesses? The money the SBA loans helps small businesses grow by providing the money to expand, buy equipment and facilities, etc.

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