The Blog

Vision and Value Statements are a Bit Overrated

Is it necessary for a small business to have a mission and vision statement? VISION AND VALUE STATEMENTS ARE A BIT OVERRATED I think it is one of the least important things as what you really need is a business idea that a business plan has confirmed has a wanting...

3 Rules When Getting a Loan

How terrible is an online loan? 3 RULES WHEN GETTING A LOAN Is the loaning institution credible? (Do a little research) Is the interest rate competitive and fair? Are the terms standard? (nothing in the small print that is alarming?)

How to Be an Idea Machine

What's the best way to brainstorm business ideas when you feel you have no good ideas? HOW TO BE AN IDEA MACHINE DAILY have set aside a few minutes to think Have a QUIET place to think. BE READY with something to write down your ideas. Reading daily can prime the pump...

7 Musts to Start a Business That is Sellable

How do you really build and sell a business? You first start a business FROM DAY ONE that is built to sell. 7 MUSTS TO START A BUSINESS THAT IS SELLABLE Choose a name that can be a brand or at the very least is not perceived as a small business only. Build your brand...

Storytelling vs. Salesmanship

Can storytelling beat salesmanship when it comes to selling? A great story that overcomes objections/ skepticism that buyers have is a tremendous tool in the toolbox of a salesperson. A story by itself won’t sell the product or service but it compliments any sales...

How Much Should You Begin to Invest With?

I am thinking about starting to invest. With how much should I start? Most advisors would tell you to begin with an emergency fund of 3–6 months of living expenses in savings. This is not an investment but is a great foundation. Next, I would try to begin...

What are Initial Customers?

What is the meaning of “initial customers”? It would be your first batch of customers. When you start a business there is the first group to buy from you. This can period can be defined by you as your first week or month in business. This is the group you want to do...

To Change or Not to Change? THAT Is the Question

What are the benefits for big companies to change their logo from time to time? TOO CHANGE OR NOT TO CHANGE (BRAND), THAT IS THE QUESTION Very rarely do companies change logos and or brands but sometimes the image/slogan can become outdated, culturally offensive, etc....

The Steps to Establish a Brand

What steps would one take to establish a brand, legally? Choose your brand name and or tagline with the logo if needed then file for a trademark on all of them. It is not hard but necessary.

Companies With Complex Business Models

Which company has the most complex business model? Well if SpaceX can get someone on the Moon or Mars they may get my vote but FedEx and UPS have always fascinated me on what it takes to launch and scale a business of this magnitude. They had to create world-class...

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