The Blog

5 Tips to being a TEENAGE Entrepreneur

I am 16 years old and I want to become an entrepreneur. What do I do? 5 Tips to being a TEENAGE Entrepreneur Know what appeals to you about entrepreneurship other than money? Money can be made in many ways other than entrepreneurship Are you good at initiating the...

Writing a Business Plan for a Product Vs. a Service

What are the major differences between writing a business plan for a product idea vs. a service idea? Very little. With a product, you will need a proof of concept and cost to produce as well as some intellectual property protection (trademarks, patents). A template...

How and When to Innovate your Business

If you decided to innovate your business, where would you start? How and When to Innovate your Business Ask your customers what more they want What is your competition offering? What is your competition and industry not offering? Where is the industry moving towards?...

6 Major Steps to Follow Before Starting a Business

What are the major steps I should follow to start a business? 6 MAJOR STEPS TO FOLLOW BEFORE STARTING A BUSINESS Find an idea that is profitable and doable (launch within a year and make money) Beta test your offering- confirm the market wants what you are selling...

When to Pull the Blog on Your Startup

How long should a new business be making a loss before pulling the plug on it? When to pull the plug on your startup? You have run out of money You have exceeded the runway you had in your business plan so something is clearly not working as hoped for. No traction No...

4 Steps To Every Business

What are the step by step parts of a business? Like first developing the product, then marketing, then etc. What are those steps in order? 4 Steps To Every Business Attract customers Sell to the customer (at a price that allows you to be profitable) Fulfill what you...

Why No One is Buying What Your Selling

I just started a small business online, but no one is buying my products. What should I do? Why No One is Buying What Your Selling You never confirmed they wanted it in the first place. (Beta Test) Why you over your competition? (Simple why buy from you?) Is your...

3 Steps to Learning Business

Where can I start to understand business? 3 SIMPLE STEPS TO LEARNING BUSINESS SO YOU CAN START A BUSINESS I would get a job in an industry you like so you can learn how it operates and once you have the job I would ask questions endlessly to people higher up than you....

5 Reasons to Start Your Own Business

What is the main advantage for starting your own business in Denver? For one it is a great city to OWN a business in but the reasons for starting a business need to motivate you. 5 Reasons to Start Your Own Business Flexibility of schedule Unlimited income potential...

Starting a Business with $100

$100? Can we start a business with this small capital? Watch the Undercover Billionaire where 3 people are each given only $100 to survive on and they all do a great job at building companies within 90 days. The one secret 2 of the 3 use is partnering with...

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