The Blog

What makes a GREAT IDEA

If a serial entrepreneur has many ideas for new businesses, how do they decide which idea to pursue? Ideas are a dime a dozen your ability to discern a good idea from a great idea is the trick and next to relentlessly pursue ONE idea until it has been achieved is the...

How to Encourage Someone to Start a Business

What analogy can be used to encourage a person to start a business? What one occupation has the potential to make you a billionaire? What one career if done effectively would let you into the most exclusive group of owners in the world (NFL Franchise Owner)? What one...

The Qualities of a Brand Name

“SHE” is the brand name that I am going to put in my ladies’ textile shop. Is it a good brand name or not? It is way to generic. It needs to have something before or after to reinforce the quality or difference you are trying to promote or brand. It also needs to be...

Advantages to Using a Sub-branding Strategy

What is the main advantage of using a sub-branding strategy? Sub-branding only works well if the main brand is very well known and can bring attention/credibility to the sub-brand. Examples would be Honda with Acura and Toyota with Lexus.

Why to Partner in Business

What are some good examples of partnerships? Most businesses have a partnership for these reasons. WHY TO PARTNER IN BUSINESS? Each partner brings one of these to the business: Time Expertise in a critical area Capital Fills a key role in operations Business...

Rebranding 101

I want to rebrand and find the best brand name. Can anyone tell me a source for that? REBRANDING 101 You can do this yourself very easily. Ask yourself this question: What one promise, if we could deliver on this, would make our target customer chase us down for our...

Don’t Bet on Overnight Success

How did you achieve success early in life? There are very few overnight successes. Be patient and develop the traits of highly successful people; driven, take initiative, competitive, self-confident, leaders, etc. Develop your area of proficiency; this is what comes...

Evaluate Your Brand Name Idea

Can I evaluate my brand name idea for less than $60? Yes do it yourself.  Is your brand name catchy and easy to remember?  Does it stick in the mind of the audience? Does it promote what your target customer wants most from this product?

When a Customer Raises Objections

What should you do when a customer raises objections during a sales call? Listen fully and then answer them calmly. If you do not have the answer at that time tell them you will get the answer and provide it quickly. Questions that are effectively answered lead to the...

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