Improving Your Customer Service

Why do you improve customers’ experience? Your goal in business is to create the PERFECT customer experience because if you do not they will find someone who will. Ask this one question every day your in business- How can we better serve our...

2 Ways to Measure Customer Loyalty

How can a business identify and measure the loyalty of its customers? 2 WAYS TO MEASURE CUSTOMER LOYALTY What percentage of your sales are repeat customers? What percentage of your sales of referrals? These 2 measurables will reflect a happy customer who uses your...

Protecting Yourself in a Sale of a Company

What are some terms you can give to a person you are buying a business from? PROTECTING YOURSELF IN A SALE OF A COMPANY If you are financing any of the sale and they default you get the entire company back at no cost. Any fees to enforce the sales agreement are paid...


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