3 Tips Every Startup Founder Should Read

What are the tips that entrepreneurs should follow to succeed? 3 Tips Every Startup Founder Should Read: Don’t fall so in love with your idea that you don’t allow it to be criticized, challenged and or tested. Don’t start a business that you don’t know how you are...

Business Strategies to Avoid

What kind of business strategies would you avoid on your business? I would avoid unproven (no proof anywhere this has worked), unethical, illegal or get rich quick strategic for any business.

The Importance of a Sales Force

What is the importance of sales force to achieve marketing objectives in the following sectors, high tech engineering products and insurance? Nothing is more important to reach your marketing objectives then your sales force. You can attract target customers all day...

Business Plan vs. Business Documents

What is the difference between a business plan and business documents? A business plan is your research, costs, and strategy for launching your business. Business documents would be your incorporation papers and important...


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