Aug 8, 2020 | Articles, Sean Answers
Would you rather have 100 new customers or 50 long-term customers? 50 LONG TERM because they will have a great LIFETIME VALUE in that they will spend more over time because they like your business already. But 100 new customers are not bad either if you know you have...
Aug 7, 2020 | 10 Minute Entrepreneur, Podcasts
Do you have a personal brand? Today we are talking about the 10 rules for personal branding! Check out this episode! We’re going to talk about today is the 10 Rules for Personal Branding. I want to talk about personal branding, and I’ll show...
Aug 6, 2020 | Articles, Sean Answers
When does an entrepreneur take money from a savings account to finance a new business? When that person is extremely confident based on data that they have a product/ service others want and will pay for where the profit margin is worth the...
Aug 6, 2020 | Articles, Sean Answers
How can I fulfill my entrepreneurship dreams on only the salary income I am earning now? Money is not the most important part it is finding a great idea and having the qualities of a successful entrepreneur. You can always partner with someone who has money and I...
Aug 6, 2020 | Articles, Sean Answers
Starting a new business with credit card debt and under a (mild) depression. What your opinion? If you weren’t depressed now you would have mild depression after starting a business because it can be very stressful but the payoff is so worth it. If you have a good...