Aug 2, 2020 | Articles, Sean Answers
How can a business grow sales? 6 WAYS TO IMPROVE BUSINESS SALES Attract more target customers through better marketing Create a systematic appeal to your existing customers Improve pricing to be more competitive with your competition Give a reason to buy today (call...
Aug 2, 2020 | Articles, Sean Answers
What are some probable startup ideas that are based on providing services? I would begin with services you personally know how to perform so you can limit labor costs getting it off the ground. There are endless service companies that can be very profitable from:...
Aug 2, 2020 | Articles, Sean Answers
How can I know if my business idea is demanded by the market, besides asking my friends and family? Beta test it to a larger market such as doing a limited online offering to your target customer at the price you are needing/wanting to sell it at and see the response....
Aug 2, 2020 | Sean Answers
What’s your 5-15 year plan on business investments? Based on your age these may be very different. My goals from 25–55 was to expose myself to more risk to make a greater return. 55–65 will be to cut my risk in half. 65 and over will be to have NO RISK and guard...
Aug 2, 2020 | Articles, Sean Answers
Should couples go into business together? Every couple has a different dynamic and some work and some don’t. Chip and Joanna Gains of Magnolia/ Fixer Upper as well as the co-founders of Tommy John are married and it works well for both of them. If you have...