How to Have a Productive Planning Session

How do you prepare a strategic planning session? HOW TO HAVE A PRODUCTIVE PLANNING SESSION Start with people in the meeting that have an interest in the outcome of the meeting. Don’t let one person dominate the meeting allow others (who may be quieter) to still have a...

Develop the Skills of Successful People

What routes are there to be successful without college? How to become successful without college. (DEVELOP THE SKILLS OF SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE) Learn to communicate well Internship with a startup or even a job in an area you have an interest Read great books Learn how to...

How to put a VALUE on your CUSTOMERS

How is customer value calculated for a business? How to put a VALUE on your CUSTOMERS Invaluable because without customers you have no business but they do have a measurable financial value as well. The average size of their purchase? The profitability in each...

INTERVIEW: Founder of Walzay – Humaira Khan

This interview will bring you value! Here is more on Humaira Khan! “Passionate about tech and giving back. I was early days at a talent marketplace based out of NYC, and through our own hacks, we exited two years later for $113M. I’m now building Walzay, a...


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