Which ones are the most effective ways to create an entrepreneurial mindset, and why is that?
Big Picture (Possibility) Thinking- This is where we remove the frame of the picture and expand our imagination to include what could be achieved if we thought nothing was impossible.
Creative Thinking- This is where we try to discover a new way and different ways of doing or using something.
Focused Thinking- This is when we think like a laser beam, allowing no distraction from the immediate thought, so that we can improve on an idea or solve a problem.
Collaborative Thinking- This is where we allow others to improve on our ideas – often called brainstorming.
Critical Thinking- This is where we seek to vet an idea or opportunity, analyzing it more closely for potential weaknesses, knowing that finding them early will save time, aggravation, and money later.
Crisis Thinking- This involves situations where a potential outcome can be devastating or even spell the end of a business. Not only must a problem be solved or a solution discovered, but here time is critical, and failure is not an option. Picture the “Situation Room” at the White House to get a better understanding of this type of thinking. This could involve just one person, but more often involves additional smart, creative people who have a stake in the outcome.