There are two qualities that great entrepreneurs have. One is EXTRAORDINARY FOCUS and ENERGY. The other is being MENTALLY STRONG.
Move On From The Past, Mistakes and Failures
They’re forward thinking. They are resilient and move on from their failures.
Embrace Change
They look toward the future and make changes before they are needed. They pivot.
Welcome Challenges
Their mindset is “bring it on” vs some who collapse and can’t function in the face of a challenge.
Stay Happy
They have a high-level of optimism. They believe tomorrow will be better today.
Treat Others Well
They treat people well without diminishing them. They’re not rude. Mentally weak people treat other like crap!
Take Calculated Risks
Weak-minded people do not take risks. They can’t embrace change or handle a challenge or failure.
Celebrate Other People’s Success
They cheer for others.