In this week’s episode, we talk about how to set and achieve large business goals that keep your company moving forward.


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We’re talking about how to achieve the biggest goals you can possibly set in business.How can you do that? How does it work?

If I could go back, I’d set even bigger goals. I like to win, and I’ve set goals that I thought were big, but looking back I should have set bigger ones.

Have a Vision and a Measureable for It

Where do you want to be in 10 years?

Now the vision is where do I want to be in 10 years. In the very beginning, I wanted to be the most dominant home service company in my area. I had a measurable on that I went to at the time. The largest competitor in my area were an HVAC electrical company. I drive by their office and I’d count their vehicles and I would drive home. I wanted that more than them. The measurable was, I was going to have more company vehicles in our parking lot then they have in theirs. A very simple way to do it measure that goal. Measurable, but very big.

As an example, let’s compare JFK’s 10 years to land on the moon vision. That was the goal within 10 years.

Where do you need to be in 5 years?

Where did my company need to be five years from now? You gotta start bringing it a little bit closer now…Within five years, what do we need to do? In our case, we wanted to have 10 vehicles within 5 years. I took the massive vision and put a five-year marker there.

Well, let’s go back to Kennedy five-year vision. They needed to figure out how to get 7 million pounds of thrust to take off. Nobody has ever done that. That was the hardest stone to turn over to get someone on the moon.

Where do you need to be in 1 year?

Let’s take it down to a one-year goal… My one-year goal was to add two vans that year. You can’t have ten until you have two.

Let’s look at Kennedy. The goal then would be, I need the best engineer in the world to figure out how we get 7 million pounds off the ground.


Where do you need to be in 90 days? 

Drilling down further, what did we have to do in 90 days? In 90 days is we had to grow revenue to be able to support these two vans.

What was the 90 days for Kennedy then? They had to find the five best engineering candidates in the world, why? Because within one year, we gotta have both. We have to be within five years.

We need to have that engineer figure out how we get 7 million pounds of thrust.


What can you do today to move toward your goals?

I always try to do one thing every day that brings me closer to my vision. If you create a habit, you tend to do it every day, and it makes it far, far easier to do that.




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