Today we think of communication as a game of ping-pong. We’re trying to respond as quick as possible to the other person, but really you need to act more like a baseball catcher. #listeningskills

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Learn to Listen

I always thought it was my ability to reply, to be witty, to have the answer, makes a good communicator. That’s not it.

If you want to be a great communicator, you need to listen to the other person. When you listen to them, you make them feel valued and if you make them feel valued, you caught the ball!

You should be AGGRESSIVELY listening. Giving them time to pause and start talking again before you jump in or interrupt.


Do Not One-up/Let them Elaborate

We have a tendency when we hear a person’s story, to one-up them with our own. Maybe we have a better story or we just think theirs isn’t good. This is one I struggle with as well during podcast interviews. Encourage them to elaborate on what they were talking or thinking about.


Give Them Undivided Attention

Turn your phone off/silent. Put it down or off to the side. Show them you are paying attention to them.


Don’t Try to Fix or Solve the Problem Unless They Ask

They didn’t ask us to fix it and they might not want us to fix it. Let them ask first. Our tendency is to try to fix their problem. You don’t have to solve it! Simply let them elaborate so that you are aware of it.


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