Sep 19, 2022 | 10 Minute Entrepreneur, Podcasts
“Hey, I have a situation”. When you hear this statement – RUN! What they’re really saying is “I’m not qualified”. Check out this episode! For example, this is a common occurrence in my rental properties. Potential renters will say this and to me it’s an instance...
Sep 16, 2022 | Live Interviews, Podcasts
Stay out of the PIT OF EXCUSES! Michelle (insta: silkfxofficial) is Co-Founder and CEO of Business Empire, an app created to gamify business creation and literally build an empire! She has extensive corporate, board, and entrepreneurial experience....
Sep 15, 2022 | 10 Minute Entrepreneur, Podcasts
This week we’re looking at how to find new profit streams or expand current ones. All the great businesses do this and we can model them for success! #expand #revenuestreams Check out this episode! Grow a Profit Stream Every Year I either want to start a new profit...
Sep 9, 2022 | Live Interviews, Podcasts
Jordan is the CEO is of He talks about transitioning from a W-2 job to full-time business owner and how his military experience helped him create systems and accountability in his business and team....
Sep 8, 2022 | Live Interviews, Podcasts
From cooking protein bars to selling businesses and helping female entrepreneurs on their paths, Lizanne has done it all! A multiple business owner, her mission is to promote sustainable food supply.