Today we are talking about the 7 Mindsets for Success!


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I’ve shared with you before how I feel about mindset. Mindset is great, but you better have some talent. You still need talent and you still need to be executing on a profitable idea. Mindset by itself is not enough, but when you figure out what you’re really good at and you put your mindset on it, it’s an accelerant. You’ll definitely do better when you have a profitable idea. Your mindset will definitely bring it to existence faster. I think your mindset is critical. I think it’s one of the major components of success.

Let me just give you the seven mindsets that I believe will help you on your path to success.


Have a Growth Mindest

What does this mean? You have to be able to dream big and push the boundaries of what you can do. Look at Elon Musk. I’m convinced that he looks at everything and thinks we can do that. People have talked about going on Mars. He’s actually moving in that direction. He’s got a partnership with NASA and he doesn’t think Mars is out of the question. It’s a growth mindset.

computer on every desk and in every home.

—Bill Gates

You’re most successful people just have a growth mindset. Bill Gates wanted to see a computer in every home and on every desk in America and the world. That was nearly 35 years ago. It looks like that’s happening.

Have a growth mindset. Do you dream big? Do you push beyond boundaries?


No-Risk, No Reward

You need to have a no-risk, no reward mindset. It doesn’t mean that you take unbelievably crazy risks where you’re all always putting. You know when your finances are at risk. I’ve said to you, every decade, you hold back a little bit more.

What I would have risked in my 20s is dramatically different than what I would risk at middle age, because I have a shorter time frame to make it up. But still take small risks. Why? It’s a mindset. If you never risk, there’s never a reward. Taking risk gets you out of your comfort zone and gets you out of your safety zone.


Embrace Your Mistakes and Move On

The second part of that is so critical. You embrace your mistakes.

  1. I made them.
  2. What did I learn from them?
  3. What would I do again, differently?

And you move on! You let go of that backpack of mistakes. I’ve got some humdingers, some Just some amazing failures. Some of which are my own doing, some of which didn’t see coming. But nevertheless, you make them, you evaluate them, you learn from them, and then you move on. You don’t keep holding yourself to the mentality that I can’t do it, I failed there, I failed there.


Be Curious

Most successful people have a tremendous curiosity. Never stop learning. Never stop asking questions. Get around people that you can ask questions. You can ask questions too. That’s what’s great about a Facebook group. If it’s led by somebody who’s more experienced in a give area than you and you get a question answered once a month, you made out on that deal. So be curious. How does that work? Why do people want that? What would make that different? Just have a tremendous curiosity.

Brian Grazer who produces movies for Ron Howard wrote a great book on curiosity, and it’s full of truth. He used to do interviews with incredibly famous and diverse people, all because he had just a great curiosity. It’s an incredible book too, so be curious.


Be grateful

That’s another mindset. It’s hard to be angry and be grateful at the same time. I haven’t figured out how to do it, but if you can figure it out, you got a next level level of hatred that I’ve never had. Be grateful, because when you’re grateful, it just positive energy. People can consent to be grateful.


Avoid Negativity and Embrace the Positive

You can look at any situation negatively, and the excuse you will use for that might be, I’m not negative, I’m just very cautious. No, you’re negative. I’m cautious. I take risk, but I still try to move all the pieces in my favor. I don’t take blind risk, I try to take controlled risk, I still try to get everything to come up my way to sometimes it doesn’t, and I’m aware that that can happen, but stop the negativity and stop using the excuse that, oh, I’m just very, very cautious. I’m very, very detailed. No, you’re negative, and you can embrace the positives here.



Why? Because a healthy body helps your mind. It gives you energy. It allows you just to think better.

If you’re struggling and you never move, it’s hard to be upbeat and energetic. A body in motion stays in motion. If you’re not taking care of your body and your mind, you’re not reading good books, you’re not exercising, you’re making things more difficult for yourself. A healthy body and mind will give you more energy, and that’s going to help your mindset.


What I shared with you today were the seven mindsets that will set you on the path to success. 


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