Win every #negotiation. Rejecting a bad deal is still #winning. 

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Before entering into any negotiation, it’s important to thoroughly prepare. This includes understanding your own goals and priorities, as well as researching the other party’s goals and priorities. You should also consider potential objections or concerns the other party may have, and come up with potential solutions to address these issues.


Building Rapport

Building rapport and establishing a positive relationship with the other party can be a critical component of a successful negotiation. This can involve finding common ground or shared interests, and showing empathy and understanding for the other party’s perspective.


Active Listening

Active listening is an important skill in any negotiation. This involves not only hearing what the other party is saying, but also actively seeking to understand their perspective and underlying concerns. Asking clarifying questions and summarizing what the other party has said can help ensure that both parties are on the same page.

Seek to understand what they really want and who is the decision maker.


Flexibility And Compromise

Successful negotiation often involves finding a middle ground or compromise that satisfies both parties’ needs. This requires a willingness to be flexible and open to alternative solutions that may not be your first choice. It’s also important to recognize that negotiation is often an iterative process, and may require multiple rounds of discussion and compromise.


Closing The Deal

Once a mutually acceptable agreement has been reached, it’s important to close the deal in a professional and constructive manner. This may involve documenting the agreement in writing, and ensuring that both parties have a clear understanding of their respective obligations and responsibilities. It’s also important to leave the negotiation on a positive note, with a clear commitment to maintaining a positive relationship moving forward.


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