Why are you not succeeding? Why are you not achieving your goal. It’s probably COACHING. There are things that coaches are able to do for you that you are never going to product yourself. Here are some of them.

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They Have Experience You Do Not Have

Coaches have experience you don’t have. They’ve been around the block. They’ve done what you want to do. I don’t like to listen to someone who is not where I want to be.


They Have Knowledge Of What Works

They know what works to achieve at the highest level. Businesses and strategies that WILL work.


They Have Knowledge Of What Does NOT Work/h2>

As an entrepreneur, you’re going to try certain methods of businesses that just won’t work and you won’t know it until someone tells you. They will share with you the strategies that do not work in the market.


They Know Your Strengths

When they see you doing things OUTSIDE of your area of giftedness, they’ll tell you to delegate those responsibilities.

My business coach knows that I lose interest after the first two years of a new business. They make sure that I build synergy with my primary business as to not “kill the golden goose”.


They Know Your Weaknesses

Coaches will understand where your points of failure have been to steer you away from making the same mistake over and over. In my case, my coach will steer me back towards my core business. They’re looking at you from a 10,000ft view.


They Can Draw Up Plans That Fit You

Because they know your strengths and weaknesses, they can create plans to avoid your weaknesses and work with your strengths. Their experience and vision can help them create plans and come up with ideas you couldn’t have seen on your own.


They Encourage You

As a business owner, you’re the only one in your business that goes home and is worried about whether you’ll still be in business int he future, or what the numbers are. Coaches encourage you when there is no one above you in the company to do so.


They Set Goals For You

A really good coach knows how to set systematic goals for you at the right intervals/right time.


They Hold You Accountable

As the business owner, you’re at the top of the food chain. Nobody is telling you that you are not doing certain fundamental things well.


They Create Routines That Build Winning Habits

Building winning habits will build success.


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