
INTERVIEW: Bo Davis – Founder of MarginEdge

Bo Davis got his started in tech and later transitioned into restaurant ownership, where he found an opportunity to provide a solution to the industry. He is the co-founder and CEO of MarginEdge, the restaurant solution combining paperless invoice processing with POS and accounting integration.


INTERVEW: Alex Heiden – Focus On One Business

Alex got his start as an entrepreneur when he figured out he could make more money reselling sneakers than the job he was working at the time. Now he is the founder and CEO of a niche hiring platform that helps online business owners hire experienced and commission only sales reps.

twitter: @alexh459

Ep. 420: A Blueprint For Success

Ep. 420: A Blueprint For Success

Like building a house, building a successful business requires you follow a blueprint. There are four critical inspections to pass in order to build a house and today I’m going to break down four critical inspections for success!


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