INTERVIEW: Suzanne Fletcher – Qualities of Great Entrepreneurs
Suzanne Fletcher is the founder and GP of Zelda Ventures, a new investment firm that invests in the next companies of founders whom Suzanne has backed before.
Ep. 457: Lies I’ve Heard
There are several common ideas and phrases you hear in life that on the surface seem true, but when you look deeper, they don’t contain the whole truth or are in some cases, outright lies. Here are some of the ones that affect us as entrepreneurs.
Jenn is the author of “Quitproof: 7 Strategies to build resilience and Achieve your life goals”. She helps people move from a life of success to a life of significance.
ig: @thejenndrummond
INTERVIEW: Michelle Fox – Ultimate Business Quest
Michelle Fox has had a diversified corporate and entrepreneurial career. She is co-founder of Ultimate Business Quest, a mobile app delivering business basics and practical coaching, presented through the world of immersive fantasy gameplay.
Ep. 456: Why You Can’t Grow Your Company
Growth is great but it’s kind of like a sugar high. It’s great but it’s not sustainable without supporting infrastructure. This is called scaling, which requires funding, systems, staff, processes, technology, and partners.
INTERVIEW: Todd Baker – Founder of Project 9 Life™
Todd helps people find their purpose so they can be successful. He is founder Project 9 Life™, which is 9 step process will help you create a sense of purpose, accomplishment, and measurable results.
INTERVIEW: Chris Lee – I Knew I Could Run Faster With Incredible People
Chris is a serial entrepreneur with not one but TWO nine-figure exits under his belt. He currently runs “The Founder Podcast” in addition to his companies and also hosts masterminds for other entrepreneurs.
social: @chrisleeqb
Ep. 455: The 1 Thing Keeping You From Success
Why are you not succeeding? Why are you not achieving your goal. It’s probably COACHING. There are things that coaches are able to do for you that you are never going to product yourself. Here are some of them.
Ask Sean Ep. 31 – “How Do I Write-up A Customer Contract?”
Contracts are there to protect YOU!
INTERVIEW: Dennis DiNoia – Do What You Love And The Money Will Find You
Dennis, AKA Mr. D Math, is a former public school teacher who found a market in developing video math lessons for homeschoolers which he provides through mrdmath.com. He is the author of “TEACH: Creating Independently Responsible Learners”
INTERVIEW: Lisa Wang – Be Clear About What You Want & Prioritize Respect
Lisa is Author of “The Bad Bitch Business Bible: 10 Commandments to Break Free of Good Girl Brainwashing and Take Charge of Your Body, Boundaries, and Bank Account”.
ig: lisacarmenwang