So I am contemplating either starting a new coaching business (follow passion) or continue with the corporate 9 to 5 life.If you were me what approach would you take considering the given market situation? It is me who is positive about both options.
I would do BOTH and have done both when I had the same choice. There is 168 hours in a week and I am very passionate about golf it does not mean I go buy or startup a driving range or golf course. If my coaching business grew to the point that I could replace half my income I would then go to my employer and ask for a modified schedule ( 4 days a week) or contract my service back to my employer on production, not time bases.
One of the biggest mistakes startup people do is quit their jobs to do it and it is a huge mistake bring financial pressure from not only the business but from home into their equation. Don’t start out a financial burden to the company.