Sean’s Easy Business Plan

I have used this formula successfully for more than 2 decades:

  • The business plan should give you confidence that your business idea will work. It should be so convincing that if you showed it to an investor, they would want to invest in your startup.
  • It describes who your competition is and how you will be better. What will be your competitive advantages? WHY WILL CUSTOMERS WANT TO BY FROM YOU?
  • What will it cost to get your company off the ground? What about ongoing operating expenses? This will be compared against your income projection (which is only an educated guess.)
  • What will be needed to operate legally? Licenses, Federal ID, Bank account, etc.
  • Your marketing plan should be included and will share how you plan to attract customers.
  • Who will you need to open your doors and operate? This will be your staffing needs. Don’t forget payroll services, bookkeeping, etc.
  • Finally, include a massive to do list with deadlines on everything needed and required to launch your business, designating who will be responsible for each.


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