Languages of Leaders

Languages of Leaders

The languages leaders use to motivate and inspire their staff: that’s the lesson for this week. “To a hammer, everything is a nail.” That’s our quote for the week and I have no idea who said it but I hear it all the time. It’s so true that when trying to communicate...

Team Builder

Team Builder If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, it’s hard to do it just by yourself; you have to build a team. I want you to think of being a team builder and what does it take to be a team builder? First, it’s realizing that you can’t do...
Are You Really An Entrepreneur?

Are You Really An Entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurs Change The World Quote of the Week: “There are a lot of bad reasons to start a company but there is only one good legitimate reason and I think you know what that is. To change the world.” -Phil Libin Owning a franchise or small business does not make...
3 Musts in Your Startup Budget

3 Musts in Your Startup Budget

You will not have a business if these 3 things are not in your startup budget. Quote of the Week: “The three most dreaded words in the English language are negative cash flow.” -David Tang In your small business, do you have a budget? If you do not budget for these...


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