The Best Strategy for Learning New Skills

What is the best strategy for learning a new skills? I have found hiring someone very proficient in the skill you wish to learn who can teach, coach or mentor you is the most helpful way of not only learning a new skill but being exceptional at...

What Are Your Failures As An Entrepreneur?

What failures did you encounter in the pursuit of being an entrepreneur? The list is too long but here are 3 Thinking my ideas were better then they were and not testing them before launching. Taking resources from something successful and wasting it on something that...

When to Sell Yourself

How do you sell yourself in a business plan? You don’t. You sell yourself in your pitch to investors. The business plan just validates your idea. Confirms it can work with costs and your strategy to acquire customers,...

How Does a Degree Help Financially?

How will a degree help financially? A college degree in many instances qualifies for jobs you would not get without a degree and in many cases, these jobs pay better. A college degree opens more doors for you to...


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