How can I improve customer service in my business? … 5 WAYS TO DRAMATICALLY IMPROVE CUSTOMER SERVICE Define what the perfect customer experience would look like. Get customer feedback to determine what they want and what is lacking. Have a friend or family member...

Franchising and Focus

Why do large franchise owners usually only create franchises of one particular brand? The success of a franchise is its singular focus on doing ONE thing well and thus one brand, one service/product that they have mastered everything from marketing, sales to...

Great Idea but No Capital

If I were to have a brilliant business idea but little to no capital, how would an 18-year-old such as myself find investors? Great Idea but No Capital- How To Get Some PItch a trial version to someone who likes you. This will show proof of concept and far more likely...

What to Look for in a Great Business Idea

Do you have the full range of ideas that form of your business you like? If you don’t have the initial ideas, how are you going to realize it? What are your steps and strategies to get this kind business? What I like and look for in a great business idea? How...

The One Strategy That Always Fails a Startup

Which strategy or philosophy most often leads to a startup failure? The founder believing if they build it customers will follow. It is the idea that if you build something great because you will think it’s great and customers will buy it. This is a bad...

How to Test Your Product Ideas

How do I test to see if there is a demand for my product idea? Pre-sell it and or sell it anywhere you possibly can to see if there is a demand for it. You can do a quick website and pre-sell it with an incentive to...


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