I want to talk about how to start a business without quitting your day job. These are seven hacks that work!

Check out this episode!

Find a Business That Does Not Need YOUR Labor

You don’t want to be the technician in a business when you are doing it part time! You need to build this business with you, OUTSIDE of it. This means hiring someone to perform the labor.


Make Delegating a Game

Get as many things off your plate as possible. It needs to run as smoothly as possible without you! You cannot be a control freak when you’re still working and building a business on the side.


Carve Out 1-2 Hours a Day to Work On It

You may need to get up early or work on it after-hours, managing schedules, etc. You’re not going to be able to get away with working on it just one hour a week.


Partner With Someone

This has been my primary method. I’ve had a partner in every single business I’ve had. I’m always doing other things and I don’t have the time to be compl etely absorbed by one business. Every single business I have is a partnership. It allows me to be involved in a lot of different things.


Make It Fun

You don’t need two “jobs”. There’s certain jobs you just can’t pack up and walk away from. There are situations that make it so you can’t and I understand that. So you need to make this business fun as opposed to exhausting.


It Needs to Make Money

Starting business and not making money is just a hobby. Don’t get me wrong, I’m addicted to the process of creating and building new businesses and testing the marketplace, but it needs to make money.

If you’re not making money in the first three months, it’s probably not a winner, it’s going to drain your personal finances, and it won’t be fun.


Can I Pay for Something That Motivates Me?

I started one of my companies because I wanted a membership to an expensive golf course. I had it worked out so that it would make $100k and I would walk away with $30k, which would pay for the membership.


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