Here are EIGHT things you need to be able to SCALE your business to the next level.

Check out this episode!

Sales Conversions

How many customers are you converting from your leads or those who walk into your retail store?


The Cost Per Lead/Request/Customer Makes Sense

The cost per customer that makes a purchase needs to be a win. There needs to be margin



Steps 1,2, and 3 are a Beta Test. You want to perform those three with as little cost as possible. Now you have to staff your business to handle the volume. You should first hire sales professionals and possible operations professionals familiar with the industry, if it is something you are not comfortable with.


Conveyor Belt Fulfillment

What you sell you should be able to fulfill effortlessly as well as customer support, returns, etc.



The process of fulfillment should be systematic, so you can perform at a grand scale or add a location.

Stand Alone As Its Own Business

Each location you have should have its own revenue, leadership, marketing, etc. It is profitable by itself rather than being sustained by another location of the same business. This allows me to partner!


Duplicate and/or Add Products/Services

Rinse and repeat. Add another location or add another product that compliments your current offering.



Where can you create synergy in what you’re doing already? Find businesses that have this synergy. For example, Amazon started off by selling books. Later they started selling audio books through Audible, and even publishing books through Kindle!


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