The 10-Minute Entrepreneur

Subscribe to Sean’s top-rated podcast The 10 Minute Entrepreneur

Ep 352: Average Hires are YOUR Problem

Ep 352: Average Hires are YOUR Problem

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Ep 348: Scaling Verse Growth

Ep 348: Scaling Verse Growth

Mattress store that grew but not in profit

Support and systems in place to sustain fulfillment and meet customer expectations.

Expand your offerings
Build on your area of strength – do more of what you do well
Build on high margin offerings
Systematize selling- memberships, systematic offerings to customers
Expand your footprint
Expand your production/speed- Chick Fil 2 lines

Ep 347: Preparation is Overrated

Ep 347: Preparation is Overrated

I was never prepared for 80% of the opportunities I have been presented.

Success is when preparation meets opportunity

Success is when a great opportunity meets a talented driven person.

“I am always growing and improving myself in core success skills but the opportunities are unknown.”

Ep 345: Art of Negotiating

Ep 345: Art of Negotiating

Salaries, vendors, contractors, real estate, partnerships, commissions, etc.

Before you negotiate
What is it you want?
What is it you would take/settle for?
What would you walk away from?
Who is the decision-maker?
Who are you competing with? Options/ Competitors
What are creative ways to give them what they want?
Let them put the offer on the table first- better to counter than to lead
Think how it pays off in 5 or 10 years
Don’t bluff unless you can live with the result.
Think Win-Win
Is there another deal they will be involved in

Ep 339: 6 Ways to Move on AFTER Failure

Ep 339: 6 Ways to Move on AFTER Failure

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Ep 329: Problem Solving!

Ep 329: Problem Solving!

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Ep 320: 12 Habits to Success Part 2

Ep 320: 12 Habits to Success Part 2

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