
That is clearly what entrepreneurs have. What that means is they’re always looking for an opportunity. They’re always looking to expand something, to start something, to be a part of something. They’re looking around them at all times and...


What is persistence? The definition says it’s kind of a continuance on a course, despite obstacles or interferences. As entrepreneurs, we don’t even see persistence. We don’t even view it as something we need to worry about. We know there are...

Taking Action

Taking action is the difference between successful entrepreneurs and would be entrepreneurs. I constantly hear people at seminars or just in everyday life who share with me a great idea they had. They say, “I had this great idea, it was such a profitable idea,” and...
The Right Time to Expand Your Business

The Right Time to Expand Your Business

Is it time to expand your business? That is the question that all business owners wrestle with. They want to know if it is the right time or if the business is positioned to be expanded. Quote of the week: “What to do if you’ve got everything. There’s only one thing...

7 Laws of a Business Partnership

History has shown us that two people with a shared goal can accomplish exponentially more than one person. Quote of the Week: “Our success has been based on partnerships from the very beginning.”  -Bill Gates I love partnerships. Without them, I would have made far...


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